postorius / doc / _build / html / _sources / using.txt
Using the Django App - Developers Resource

.. automodule:: tests.tests

Running the tests explained above.
We've added our own test-suite to the Django App which will be executed together with the Django Test. Last thing you should do is running these tests. If they fail you did something wrong, if they succeed you can enjoy the site.

Run the following in the Site Directory

    .. code-block:: bash
        $ python test

.. note::
    Please be aware that we want to run a development instance of mailman you need to stop the stable one first and the tests will open it's own mailman temporily.

Accessing the REST Client for Testing

If you want to access the Functions, which we use in the views, directly feel free to run the following block of code within a Shell which does have it's current Directory within the Django Site Directory.

    .. code-block:: python
        from settings import API_USER, API_PASS
        from mailman.client import Client
        c = Client('http://localhost:8001/3.0', API_USER, API_PASS)
        #DEBUG: Python Session