History for postorius / src
@Bhavesh Goyal
Updated To Latest Source and Resolved conflicts
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 14 Apr 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Updated Validation
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 14 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Fixing some trailing whitespace errors for pep8 compliance
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Line length fix for pep8 compliance
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Changing blank <title> to read Mailman/Postorius, but a better solution is needed.
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Florian Fuchs
Fix broken member options title: LP #1428966
Florian Fuchs committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Bhavesh Goyal's improvement to the mass subscription email validation
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Ankush Sharma's fix so that mass subscription is available to list owner and superuser, not to list moderators.
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Switched else to another except. This was causing a test failure in test_confirmation_link (postorius.tests.test_address_activation.TestAddressConfirmationProfile); all tests now pass.
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com
The Mass Subscription option is a power of List owner not of List moderator.
black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Ankush Sharma's fix for Bug #1428543
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Abhilash Raj's fix for Bug #1437866 (and a duplicate #1430682)
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Bhavesh Goyal's fix for Bug #1431474 (with one change to the mass subscribe access)
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Terri Oda
Merging Pavan Koli's fix for Bug #1436309
Terri Oda committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Abhilash Raj
Abhilash Raj committed on 13 Apr 2015
@Florian Fuchs
removed old unused view module
Florian Fuchs committed on 10 Apr 2015
@Florian Fuchs
django_browserid init: use included JS script instead of making the method call in the page.
Florian Fuchs committed on 10 Apr 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Fixed Invalid Email Acceptance in Mass Subscription
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 8 Apr 2015
Typos fixed
pkoli committed on 25 Mar 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 22 Mar 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Fixed Bug #1431474 postorius user nav role fix
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 22 Mar 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Merge changes
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 11 Mar 2015
@Bhavesh Goyal
Feature Added: Mass Removal for List Members
Bhavesh Goyal committed on 11 Mar 2015
@Florian Fuchs
Fix manage.py mmclient command for non-IPython shells. Contributed by Ankush Sharma (LP: 1428169).
Florian Fuchs committed on 10 Mar 2015
@Florian Fuchs
Mozilla Persona integration: switch from django-social-auto to django-browserid: Contributed by Abhilash Raj.
Florian Fuchs committed on 10 Mar 2015
@Abhilash Raj
replace django-social-auth with django-browserid
Abhilash Raj committed on 5 Mar 2015
@black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com
Fixed #1428543.
black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com committed on 5 Mar 2015
@black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com
Fixed the issue #1428169.
black-perl ankprashar@gmail.com committed on 4 Mar 2015
@Florian Fuchs
removed unnecessary installation instruction from dev docs
Florian Fuchs committed on 11 Feb 2015
@Florian Fuchs
* added tox to dev dependencies ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 11 Feb 2015