History for postorius / views.py
added example for has_perm including tests
benste committed on 17 Aug 2011
added sections for list settins
benste committed on 16 Aug 2011
added membership settings tests
benste committed on 15 Aug 2011
added test for subscriptions
benste committed on 15 Aug 2011
is_subscribed for membership link in list summary
benste committed on 5 Aug 2011
membership lists - template-views-url
benste committed on 5 Aug 2011
membership_settings views and templates and forms
benste committed on 5 Aug 2011
work in progress - membership_settings
benste committed on 4 Aug 2011
subscriptions page fitting the user auth
benste committed on 4 Aug 2011
initial mailadress if user is logged on - in subscriptions
benste committed on 4 Aug 2011
added fqdn_listname + workaround to user_settings
benste committed on 4 Aug 2011
prepared user_settings - BUT need to wait for LP:820827
benste committed on 4 Aug 2011
removed old login decorator - reenabled login required for all views
benste committed on 3 Aug 2011
added login and logout to WUI depending on user.is_authenticated
benste committed on 3 Aug 2011
returned redirect
benste committed on 3 Aug 2011
fixed authenticate in restbackend using cli tests
benste committed on 2 Aug 2011
using new login templates and views - needs troubleshooting
benste committed on 2 Aug 2011
added advertised atribute to new_list
benste committed on 30 Jul 2011
moved mass_subscriptions to new teplate
benste committed on 28 Jul 2011
added confirmation template - added confirm for list_delete
benste committed on 28 Jul 2011
modified subscriptions form action and processing - validations error not visible
benste committed on 27 Jul 2011
modified behaviour after list creation
benste committed on 26 Jul 2011
template as opt. arg in views instead of hard-coded values
benste committed on 26 Jul 2011
minior fix new_list
benste committed on 26 Jul 2011
list_new forms merged to new ajax style form
benste committed on 26 Jul 2011
added ajax_context processor - splittet domain_index-domain_new for use with Ajax templates
benste committed on 26 Jul 2011
modified domain layouts and login
benste committed on 22 Jul 2011
fixed login - request context
benste committed on 22 Jul 2011
found issue @login_required
benste committed on 22 Jul 2011
recreated list_index for new template
benste committed on 22 Jul 2011