History for postorius / urls.py
added MAILMAN_THEME -- moved MEDIA_URL -- corrected Settings Form for some Value related fields -- removed old static DIRs -- added links in some old menus -- added selected tags for the settings page -- upgraded to Django 1.3 -- added new template for list_summary -- and some small corrections
benste committed on 21 Jul 2011
using urls for settings filter instead of GET values
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
added user_email to subscription urls for initial value
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
fixed subscriptions urls option and views using regexp
benste committed on 14 Jul 2011
change exception ErrorType) - URL in Subscriptions Tests using kwargs - rewrite context processor (improved code readability) - moved NONFIELDERRORS to messaging framework instead of attaching to a form- DEVEL VERSION
benste committed on 13 Jul 2011
work in progress - subscription page
benste committed on 12 Jul 2011
added dummy page for administration
benste committed on 24 Jun 2011
Frist part Menus
benste committed on 23 Jun 2011
added test for new Domain and List
benste committed on 22 Jun 2011
added new_domain view/template/form
benste committed on 1 Jun 2011
added static URL for template CSS usage
benste committed on 31 May 2011
@Florian Fuchs
* renamed media folder to static to prevent conflicts with django's default admin media routing ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 11 Dec 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added copyright statements, changed import logic and moved templates.
Anna Granudd committed on 15 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Improved the user settings.
Anna Granudd committed on 12 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added a "mockup" user settings page.
Anna Granudd committed on 10 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Created a mockup login and logout function and added login required as decorator for, among others, the settings page. ...
Anna Granudd committed on 4 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added a mass subscription function and changed the redirekt after creating a list to let the list creators decide what they want to do next.
Anna Granudd committed on 3 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Corrected the decorators and started with the settings view and forms.
Anna Granudd committed on 28 Jul 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added the possibility to delete a list in the list info view. ...
Anna Granudd committed on 25 Jul 2010
@Anna Granudd
Initial commit, added unsubscribe possibility to Florian's branch.
Anna Granudd committed on 1 Jul 2010