History for postorius / src / postorius / views / user.py
@Abhilash Raj
Fix #54
Abhilash Raj committed on 29 Aug 2015
@Florian Fuchs
removed unnecessary help text link
Florian Fuchs committed on 28 Apr 2015
@Abhilash Raj
Fixes #1444721
Abhilash Raj committed on 16 Apr 2015
@Florian Fuchs
Bump Copyright Years
Florian Fuchs committed on 9 Feb 2015
@Aurélien Bompard
Use Django's login view with our own template
Aurélien Bompard committed on 24 Nov 2014
@Florian Fuchs
* fixed timezone naive/awarenes confusion when comparing profile creation delta ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 19 Apr 2014
@Florian Fuchs
* added confirmation profile model ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 18 Apr 2014
@Florian Fuchs
* Added form validation to AddressActivationForm ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 18 Apr 2014
@Florian Fuchs
Added form and view for additional address activation
Florian Fuchs committed on 18 Apr 2014
@Terri Oda
Assorted pep8 compliance fixes
Terri Oda committed on 16 Apr 2014
@Terri Oda
Clicking a user's name in the members list now brings up a page for altering ...
Terri Oda committed on 16 Apr 2014
@Terri Oda
Disabling the editing of preferences that are related to owners or ...
Terri Oda committed on 16 Apr 2014
@Florian Fuchs
* modified copyright years ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 15 Mar 2014
@Florian Fuchs
- Removed some preferences tables that were only there for testing ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 22 Oct 2013
@Terri Oda
Merging Stylistica's GSoC code, this time the right final branch rather ...
Terri Oda committed on 5 Oct 2013
@Terri Oda
Reverting previous commit, because I merged the wrong branch.
Terri Oda committed on 5 Oct 2013
@Sneha Priscilla
Cleaned up the code, added help-text, simplified the design
Sneha Priscilla committed on 3 Oct 2013
@Sneha Priscilla
Completed adding the 3 types of user preferences
Sneha Priscilla committed on 18 Sep 2013
@Sneha Priscilla
Adding user's global Mailman preferences
Sneha Priscilla committed on 8 Aug 2013
@Varun Sharma
removed unwanted try except blocks and kwargs from user_delete method
Varun Sharma committed on 11 Jul 2013
@Varun Sharma
added deleting of user functionality by adding user_delete method in user.py and creating a confirmation page user_confirm_delete.html. This patch will enable the superusers to delete other users.
Varun Sharma committed on 5 Jul 2013
@Florian Fuchs
Changed view comment.
Florian Fuchs committed on 1 Jul 2013
@Florian Fuchs
- removed abandoned view function (preferences) ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 1 Jul 2013
@Terri Oda
Slightly improved messages for when the REST API isn't available, telling people to start Mailman core. The wording here could probably use some improvement, but this should be more helpful in the meantime.
Terri Oda committed on 8 Apr 2013
@Florian Fuchs
added pagination to user and list member pages (LP: 1156529)
Florian Fuchs committed on 29 Mar 2013
@Terri Oda
Merging mahendra007-s's patch for Bug #1062849. Clicking the 'more info' link now brings up a new page with the information; very important for users who coudldn't see the mouseover before.
Terri Oda committed on 21 Mar 2013
@Richard Wackerbarth
hange "todos" to "tasks" and display as "To Do"
Richard Wackerbarth committed on 15 Dec 2012
@Florian Fuchs
* moved some sub navs to template tags ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 18 Nov 2012