History for postorius / views.py
catching correct ExceptionClass - 3 left marked with #TODO-Exception
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
added REST offline catching to context processor - fixed debugging issue wrong port
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
optimization - handling Mailman.Client Offline Errors (AttributeError)
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
added user_email to subscription urls for initial value
benste committed on 15 Jul 2011
fixed subscriptions urls option and views using regexp
benste committed on 14 Jul 2011
change exception ErrorType) - URL in Subscriptions Tests using kwargs - rewrite context processor (improved code readability) - moved NONFIELDERRORS to messaging framework instead of attaching to a form- DEVEL VERSION
benste committed on 13 Jul 2011
work in progress - subscription page
benste committed on 12 Jul 2011
fixed validation and added settings.save()
benste committed on 12 Jul 2011
added truncate method to delete unused formfields, BUT validation doens't work yet
benste committed on 9 Jul 2011
added request context for all other views
benste committed on 9 Jul 2011
changed error message → message and hide list selector if no list exists
benste committed on 9 Jul 2011
filling the settings into forms by querrying the layout first
benste committed on 9 Jul 2011
filtered POST processing layout as well
benste committed on 8 Jul 2011
added filtered display of settings - by section or option - processing is not yet implemented
benste committed on 8 Jul 2011
implemented context processor for Lists choice
benste committed on 29 Jun 2011
MOVED Context processors - TODO:syntax+adding in settings
benste committed on 28 Jun 2011
Added missing CSS file + modified choice to only display the lists from current domain
benste committed on 28 Jun 2011
add: list-Selector in template and lists views
benste committed on 28 Jun 2011
added dummy page for administration
benste committed on 24 Jun 2011
fixed syntax error
benste committed on 24 Jun 2011
Frist part Menus
benste committed on 23 Jun 2011
added mass subscription tests - noted duplicated test content issue
benste committed on 22 Jun 2011
added test for new Domain and List
benste committed on 22 Jun 2011
prepared settings TODO → new forms for eacht part of settings according to structure
benste committed on 22 Jun 2011
fixed delete List
benste committed on 21 Jun 2011
error handling Domain_List exists in as_div + using mail_host for new list
benste committed on 21 Jun 2011
fixed validation + post form during in NewList
benste committed on 21 Jun 2011
fixed saving items in NewDomain
benste committed on 21 Jun 2011
merged with FIX domain choice in NewList
benste committed on 20 Jun 2011
new class and validator for domain and listname in forms.py → validation not working
benste committed on 7 Jun 2011