History for postorius / urls.py
added static URL for template CSS usage
benste committed on 31 May 2011
@Florian Fuchs
* renamed media folder to static to prevent conflicts with django's default admin media routing ...
Florian Fuchs committed on 11 Dec 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added copyright statements, changed import logic and moved templates.
Anna Granudd committed on 15 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Improved the user settings.
Anna Granudd committed on 12 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added a "mockup" user settings page.
Anna Granudd committed on 10 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Created a mockup login and logout function and added login required as decorator for, among others, the settings page. ...
Anna Granudd committed on 4 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added a mass subscription function and changed the redirekt after creating a list to let the list creators decide what they want to do next.
Anna Granudd committed on 3 Aug 2010
@Anna Granudd
Corrected the decorators and started with the settings view and forms.
Anna Granudd committed on 28 Jul 2010
@Anna Granudd
Added the possibility to delete a list in the list info view. ...
Anna Granudd committed on 25 Jul 2010
@Anna Granudd
Initial commit, added unsubscribe possibility to Florian's branch.
Anna Granudd committed on 1 Jul 2010