diff --git a/src/postorius/forms.py b/src/postorius/forms.py
index b25458e..4eaf396 100644
--- a/src/postorius/forms.py
+++ b/src/postorius/forms.py
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
+# Fields
class ListOfStringsField(forms.Field):
widget = forms.widgets.Textarea
@@ -62,6 +65,10 @@
return result
+# Forms
class DomainNew(FieldsetForm):
@@ -653,6 +660,53 @@
'invalid': _('Please enter a valid email adddress.')})
+class ListHeaderMatchForm(forms.Form):
+ """Edit a list's header match."""
+ (None, _("Default antispam action")) ] + [
+ a for a in ACTION_CHOICES if a[0] != 'defer'
+ ]
+ header = forms.CharField(
+ label=_('Header'),
+ help_text=_('Email header to filter on (case-insensitive).'),
+ error_messages={
+ 'required': _('Please enter a header.'),
+ 'invalid': _('Please enter a valid header.')})
+ pattern = forms.CharField(
+ label=_('Pattern'),
+ help_text=_('Regular expression matching the header\'s value.'),
+ error_messages={
+ 'required': _('Please enter a pattern.'),
+ 'invalid': _('Please enter a valid pattern.')})
+ action = forms.ChoiceField(
+ label=_('Action'),
+ error_messages={'invalid': _('Please enter a valid action.')},
+ #widget=forms.RadioSelect(),
+ required=False,
+ help_text=_('Action to take when a header matches')
+ )
+class ListHeaderMatchFormset(forms.BaseFormSet):
+ def clean(self):
+ """Checks that no two header matches have the same order."""
+ if any(self.errors):
+ # Don't bother validating the formset unless each form is valid on its own
+ return
+ orders = []
+ for form in self.forms:
+ try:
+ order = form.cleaned_data['ORDER']
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ if order in orders:
+ raise forms.ValidationError("Header matches must have distinct orders.")
+ orders.append(order)
class UserPreferences(FieldsetForm):
diff --git a/src/postorius/static/postorius/css/style.css b/src/postorius/static/postorius/css/style.css
index 894097c..5606d23 100644
--- a/src/postorius/static/postorius/css/style.css
+++ b/src/postorius/static/postorius/css/style.css
@@ -31,3 +31,20 @@
table.bans-current {
width: auto;
+/* Header matches */
+table.header-matches th .text-muted {
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: small;
+table.header-matches td .errorlist {
+ list-style-type: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+.header-matches-pending-changes {
+ display: none;
+ margin-left: 1em;
diff --git a/src/postorius/templates/postorius/lists/header_matches.html b/src/postorius/templates/postorius/lists/header_matches.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee85979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/templates/postorius/lists/header_matches.html
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+{% extends postorius_base_template %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load bootstrap_tags %}
+{% load nav_helpers %}
+{% block subtitle %}
+{% trans 'Header filters' %} | {{ list.fqdn_listname}}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block main %}
+ {% list_nav 'list_header_matches' 'Header filters' %}
+ {% for error in formset.non_form_errors %}
{{ error }}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block additionaljs %}
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/postorius/templates/postorius/menu/list_nav.html b/src/postorius/templates/postorius/menu/list_nav.html
index 53f82e0..3608999 100644
--- a/src/postorius/templates/postorius/menu/list_nav.html
+++ b/src/postorius/templates/postorius/menu/list_nav.html
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
{% trans 'Mass subscribe' %}
{% trans 'Mass removal' %}
{% trans 'Banned addresses' %}
{% trans 'Delete list' %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b4f2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/23']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/24']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
+ "registered_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"b3085c455c20a7bbfd074cc9acc703c2445551d6\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 23, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/23", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"9c0c4a0f646d8c4feaca4a03f4761abce6ecfc95\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"431455e0d7a45e45f64df20af82bec50ce4cabcf\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 24, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/24", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"e2f8afe35cd0a0dd80ad3ab96b936747274eeda4\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
+ "registered_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"b3085c455c20a7bbfd074cc9acc703c2445551d6\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 23, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/23", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"9c0c4a0f646d8c4feaca4a03f4761abce6ecfc95\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"431455e0d7a45e45f64df20af82bec50ce4cabcf\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 24, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/24", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"e2f8afe35cd0a0dd80ad3ab96b936747274eeda4\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['334']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['334']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['334']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13b0eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_header.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_header.yaml
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_header.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
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+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_pattern.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_pattern.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dc4fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_empty_pattern.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/29']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/30']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
+ "registered_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"0e4d79a043dc939a16f53f44f4bd1ea675f77ba7\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 29, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/29", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"0f5121e7ee4c51226674440871ae2e7fa6fc48e8\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"b227c995ebf21adb51cd9107fd7d06f2c1b3185d\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 30, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/30", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"989cf950a7c53671b23c990ed59f4a8dfeebd03b\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_existing.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_existing.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0ccd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_add_existing.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/31']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/32']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
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+ content-length: ['188']
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['390']
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+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"24aa6e0438131bd5ab07fd5dd7e4326e8268cef5\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 31, "moderation_action": "accept",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"3d5198105c25da87e47d7bb33360be2db35a94fd\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['486']
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+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
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+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
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+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=hold&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode This header match already exists}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['32']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 400, message: Bad Request}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
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+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"24aa6e0438131bd5ab07fd5dd7e4326e8268cef5\"",
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+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
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+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ 1}'}
+ headers:
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+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['334']
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+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_delete.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_delete.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e709f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_delete.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/33']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/34']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-1&pattern=testpattern-1
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-2&pattern=testpattern-2
+ headers:
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+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
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+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
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+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"4e2558f66257a9ba350f31812923b5fdfb3c50bf\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
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+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-1", "http_etag": "\"c3a486a9676bc129986b609d6c416a969869ee26\"",
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-2&pattern=testpattern-2
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
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+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"10fbbb6fcd377277ad5981c151c7a25ced155d78\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 33, "moderation_action": "accept",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"4e2558f66257a9ba350f31812923b5fdfb3c50bf\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
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+ 1}'}
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"2cd8d8437154c9cae2c36e33a26cba2f3d28a4ba\"",
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"2cd8d8437154c9cae2c36e33a26cba2f3d28a4ba\"",
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+ 1}'}
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"2cd8d8437154c9cae2c36e33a26cba2f3d28a4ba\"",
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+ 1}'}
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+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ecf59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/35']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/36']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
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+- request:
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"63675f32453eb2cc497eb888104dc096dc002b35\"",
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
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+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "hold", "header": "testheader-changed",
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+ "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"74c71806004b45fd5ef4dd67b5c0f1327e67e9b3\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['347']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "hold", "header": "testheader-changed",
+ "http_etag": "\"c25c7c17bcf5a4e72c8a4dac10c1e368c980e7f4\"", "pattern": "testpattern-changed",
+ "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"74c71806004b45fd5ef4dd67b5c0f1327e67e9b3\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['347']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "hold", "header": "testheader-changed",
+ "http_etag": "\"c25c7c17bcf5a4e72c8a4dac10c1e368c980e7f4\"", "pattern": "testpattern-changed",
+ "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"74c71806004b45fd5ef4dd67b5c0f1327e67e9b3\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['347']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit_empty.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit_empty.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6403f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_edit_empty.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/37']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/38']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"252a421b550eda91cf5824541ee433093f4b3652\"",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"75b4ed79add9779446559c01fd805c3e8e0eb701\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
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+- request:
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
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+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ 1}'}
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+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ 1}'}
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+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
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+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
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+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_down.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_down.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a69135c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_down.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/39']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/40']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-1&pattern=testpattern-1
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-2&pattern=testpattern-2
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-3&pattern=testpattern-3
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/2']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
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+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_up.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_up.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..574b823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_move_up.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
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+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
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+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['299']
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+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/41']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-1&pattern=testpattern-1
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+- request:
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-1", "http_etag": "\"c3a486a9676bc129986b609d6c416a969869ee26\"",
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_not_accessible_for_moderator.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_not_accessible_for_moderator.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b57bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_not_accessible_for_moderator.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
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+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
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+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
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+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/43']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
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+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
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+ content-length: ['0']
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+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
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+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
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+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
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+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"c9f6c0d587e4143610eeb960cb412de154275c92\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 43, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/43", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"154cf2b68807d6472e0cb8c3591f6254761f67c4\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"8c3456470fb93b6d3c15197902b2f4a708b52a54\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 44, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/44", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"803b725ac7063bb6a16fe45ed318ed5d22cb92d1\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_owner.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_owner.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f4d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_owner.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/45']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/46']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
+ "registered_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"8f7fc3a67de52fc8d1e2d49c1bb3e03865c4db34\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 45, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/45", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"55f57eddd9af2d55ccbf134c81919642eb11458b\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"d78a43f13bb30795f544ebc72cfe44d3d13fc859\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 46, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/46", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"f3465fb200ee45cc8210495679d764339ef216d2\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_superuser.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_superuser.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a7355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_accessible_for_superuser.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/47']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/48']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"http_etag": "\"32223434a0f3af4cdc4673d1fbc5bac1f6d98fd3\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 0}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['90']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_for_unprivileged_users.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_for_unprivileged_users.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7be9e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_for_unprivileged_users.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/49']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/50']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/test@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode 404 Not Found}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['13']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 404, message: Not Found}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"f9fd342fceee59923e68847bca8b082069bbb410\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 49, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/49", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"accce8d55e0b6b611dedfc7e51af055f1879701e\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"44774439cb4a8c773729c867bd17defcefd63ddd\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 50, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/50", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"8419ff2e40e8a68aa07ffaaa3fe3d5be0ff636e9\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_if_not_logged_in.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_if_not_logged_in.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a69912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_page_not_accessible_if_not_logged_in.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/51']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/52']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_same_order.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_same_order.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d23707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_same_order.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/53']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/54']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-1&pattern=testpattern-1
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader-2&pattern=testpattern-2
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
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+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"5539713a0257fa9391b364f09fa8d9ed4f01a02e\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 53, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/53", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"725d292c971893d17e0b86fa0e154e3ab97e3ed1\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"ffaa34a2dc22f6a5074d9e423c5c3982eb8bbeba\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 54, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/54", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"5c4526ab4a817ab9d98d5d5a8c0e08603131bbcb\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-1", "http_etag": "\"c3a486a9676bc129986b609d6c416a969869ee26\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-1", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"},
+ {"action": "discard", "header": "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"bba2ea72c8931ba99fe39fff8a8a60eed535364c\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-2", "position": 1, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"bec4c23ce2239b4c92a78e937618e23381e05436\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 2}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['573']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-1", "http_etag": "\"c3a486a9676bc129986b609d6c416a969869ee26\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-1", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"},
+ {"action": "discard", "header": "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"bba2ea72c8931ba99fe39fff8a8a60eed535364c\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-2", "position": 1, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"bec4c23ce2239b4c92a78e937618e23381e05436\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 2}'}
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+ content-length: ['573']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader-1", "http_etag": "\"c3a486a9676bc129986b609d6c416a969869ee26\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-1", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"},
+ {"action": "discard", "header": "testheader-2", "http_etag": "\"bba2ea72c8931ba99fe39fff8a8a60eed535364c\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern-2", "position": 1, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/1"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"bec4c23ce2239b4c92a78e937618e23381e05436\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 2}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['573']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_show_existing.yaml b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_show_existing.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42630a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/fixtures/vcr_cassettes/ListHeaderMatchesTest.test_show_existing.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+- request:
+ body: mail_host=example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"base_url": "http://example.com", "description":
+ null, "http_etag": "\"e736411818ff1815ca83575e0958c38c5188f0a4\"", "mail_host":
+ "example.com", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com",
+ "url_host": "example.com"}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['233']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: fqdn_listname=list%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=owner&subscriber=owner%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/55']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: list_id=list.example.com&role=moderator&subscriber=moderator%40example.com
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/members
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/56']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: action=discard&header=testheader&pattern=testpattern
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ !!python/unicode content-type: [!!python/unicode application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
+ method: !!python/unicode POST
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ location: ['http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0']
+ status: {code: 201, message: Created}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/owner@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"created_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "http_etag":
+ "\"b774d488fd2356b7bedf0e6fa4a26dc70dc2b02b\"", "is_server_owner": false,
+ "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6", "user_id": 6}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['188']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6/addresses
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"7efeccdd4edd0bed02cd2141365a115239f83be4\"", "original_email": "owner@example.com",
+ "registered_on": "2005-08-01T07:49:23", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"a565f7d323e0a6ca5da35f6d965148fe4fe03fbb\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['390']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/owner
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/owner@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "owner@example.com", "http_etag": "\"626ae3b3f35f453a431550641696ee185aadedc4\"",
+ "list_id": "list.example.com", "member_id": 55, "moderation_action": "accept",
+ "role": "owner", "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/55", "user":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/6"}], "http_etag": "\"2dd277919ea20b22a41e6b84ea110360efb41fd6\"",
+ "start": 0, "total_size": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['486']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/roster/moderator
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"address": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/addresses/moderator@example.com",
+ "delivery_mode": "regular", "email": "moderator@example.com", "http_etag":
+ "\"6b39ff26b36070746b0e2e9f0f908739218c80c4\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "member_id": 56, "moderation_action": "accept", "role": "moderator", "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/members/56", "user": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/users/7"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"28e96e21e091145c3b09eb82685e725bc632eedd\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['498']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"display_name": "List", "fqdn_listname": "list@example.com",
+ "http_etag": "\"e6a4f3c403f35e4c9a30c19f07bf0e36fa03e45b\"", "list_id": "list.example.com",
+ "list_name": "list", "mail_host": "example.com", "member_count": 0, "self_link":
+ "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com", "volume": 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['299']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode GET
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode '{"entries": [{"action": "discard", "header":
+ "testheader", "http_etag": "\"b55a407e5664a07b70919a16f2df3fc50350c6b5\"",
+ "pattern": "testpattern", "position": 0, "self_link": "http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list.example.com/header-matches/0"}],
+ "http_etag": "\"671170868231c1a4e4c35632e3b136acd18c2872\"", "start": 0, "total_size":
+ 1}'}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['334']
+ content-type: [application/json; charset=utf-8]
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/lists/list@example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ accept-encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ method: !!python/unicode DELETE
+ uri: http://localhost:9001/3.0/domains/example.com
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode ''}
+ headers:
+ content-length: ['0']
+ status: {code: 204, message: No Content}
+version: 1
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_header_matches.py b/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_header_matches.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e2975e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_header_matches.py
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2016 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of Postorius.
+# Postorius is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Postorius is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# Postorius. If not, see .
+"""Tests for list header matches"""
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from django.contrib.auth.models import User
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.utils.timezone import now
+from six.moves.urllib_error import HTTPError
+from six.moves.urllib_parse import quote
+from postorius.models import MailmanUser, Mailman404Error, List
+from postorius.tests.utils import ViewTestCase
+class ListHeaderMatchesTest(ViewTestCase):
+ """
+ Tests for the list settings page.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ListHeaderMatchesTest, self).setUp()
+ self.domain = self.mm_client.create_domain('example.com')
+ self.mlist = self.domain.create_list('list')
+ self.user = User.objects.create_user(
+ 'testuser', 'test@example.com', 'testpass')
+ self.superuser = User.objects.create_superuser(
+ 'testsu', 'su@example.com', 'testpass')
+ self.owner = User.objects.create_user(
+ 'testowner', 'owner@example.com', 'testpass')
+ self.moderator = User.objects.create_user(
+ 'testmoderator', 'moderator@example.com', 'testpass')
+ self.mlist.add_owner('owner@example.com')
+ self.mlist.add_moderator('moderator@example.com')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.user.delete()
+ self.superuser.delete()
+ self.owner.delete()
+ self.moderator.delete()
+ self.mlist.delete()
+ self.domain.delete()
+ def test_page_not_accessible_if_not_logged_in(self):
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ self.assertRedirectsToLogin(url)
+ def test_page_not_accessible_for_unprivileged_users(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testuser', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
+ def test_not_accessible_for_moderator(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testmoderator', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
+ def test_page_accessible_for_owner(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ def test_page_accessible_for_superuser(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testsu', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ def test_show_existing(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader', pattern='testpattern', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ response = self.client.get(url)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertEqual(len(response.context["formset"]), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.context["formset"].initial,
+ [{'header': u'testheader', 'pattern': u'testpattern',
+ 'action': u'discard'}])
+ self.assertContains(response, 'testheader')
+ self.assertContains(response, 'testpattern')
+ self.assertContains(response, 'value="discard" selected="selected"')
+ # the new header match subform should not have ORDER or DELETE fields
+ self.assertNotContains(response, 'form-1-ORDER')
+ self.assertNotContains(response, 'form-1-DELETE')
+ def test_add(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # New form
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern',
+ 'form-0-action': 'discard',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasSuccessMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 1)
+ hm = self.mlist.header_matches[0]
+ self.assertEqual(hm.header, 'testheader')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.pattern, 'testpattern')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.action, 'discard')
+ def test_add_empty(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # New form
+ 'form-0-header': '',
+ 'form-0-pattern': '',
+ 'form-0-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ #from postorius.tests.utils import get_flash_messages
+ #msgs = get_flash_messages(response)
+ #print([m.message for m in msgs])
+ self.assertHasNoMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 0)
+ def test_add_empty_header(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # New form
+ 'form-0-header': '',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern',
+ 'form-0-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertHasNoMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.context["formset"].errors,
+ [{'header': [u'Please enter a header.']}])
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 0)
+ def test_add_empty_pattern(self):
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # New form
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader',
+ 'form-0-pattern': '',
+ 'form-0-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertHasNoMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.context["formset"].errors,
+ [{'pattern': [u'Please enter a pattern.']}])
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 0)
+ def test_edit(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader', pattern='testpattern', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing pattern
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader-changed',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern-changed',
+ 'form-0-action': 'hold',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-1-header': '',
+ 'form-1-pattern': '',
+ 'form-1-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasSuccessMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 1)
+ hm = self.mlist.header_matches[0]
+ self.assertEqual(hm.header, 'testheader-changed')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.pattern, 'testpattern-changed')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.action, 'hold')
+ def test_edit_empty(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader', pattern='testpattern', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing pattern
+ 'form-0-header': '',
+ 'form-0-pattern': '',
+ 'form-0-action': '',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-1-header': '',
+ 'form-1-pattern': '',
+ 'form-1-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertHasNoMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.context["formset"].errors,
+ [{'header': [u'Please enter a header.'],
+ 'pattern': [u'Please enter a pattern.'],
+ }, {}])
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 1)
+ hm = self.mlist.header_matches[0]
+ self.assertEqual(hm.header, 'testheader')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.pattern, 'testpattern')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.action, 'discard')
+ def test_delete(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-1', pattern='testpattern-1', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-2', pattern='testpattern-2', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '3',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '2',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing pattern
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader-1',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern-1',
+ 'form-0-action': 'hold',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '1',
+ 'form-1-header': 'testheader-2',
+ 'form-1-pattern': 'testpattern-2',
+ 'form-1-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-1-ORDER': '2',
+ 'form-1-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-2-header': '',
+ 'form-2-pattern': '',
+ 'form-2-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasSuccessMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 1)
+ hm = self.mlist.header_matches[0]
+ self.assertEqual(hm.header, 'testheader-2')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.pattern, 'testpattern-2')
+ self.assertEqual(hm.action, 'discard')
+ def test_move_up(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-1', pattern='testpattern-1', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-2', pattern='testpattern-2', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-3', pattern='testpattern-3', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '4',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '3',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing patterns
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader-1',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern-1',
+ 'form-0-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ 'form-1-header': 'testheader-2',
+ 'form-1-pattern': 'testpattern-2',
+ 'form-1-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-1-ORDER': '3',
+ 'form-1-DELETE': '',
+ 'form-2-header': 'testheader-3',
+ 'form-2-pattern': 'testpattern-3',
+ 'form-2-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-2-ORDER': '2',
+ 'form-2-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-3-header': '',
+ 'form-3-pattern': '',
+ 'form-3-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasSuccessMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [(hm.header, hm.pattern, hm.action)
+ for hm in self.mlist.header_matches],
+ [('testheader-1', 'testpattern-1', 'discard'),
+ ('testheader-3', 'testpattern-3', 'discard'),
+ ('testheader-2', 'testpattern-2', 'discard')]
+ )
+ def test_move_down(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-1', pattern='testpattern-1', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-2', pattern='testpattern-2', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-3', pattern='testpattern-3', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '4',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '3',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing patterns
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader-1',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern-1',
+ 'form-0-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '2',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ 'form-1-header': 'testheader-2',
+ 'form-1-pattern': 'testpattern-2',
+ 'form-1-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-1-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-1-DELETE': '',
+ 'form-2-header': 'testheader-3',
+ 'form-2-pattern': 'testpattern-3',
+ 'form-2-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-2-ORDER': '3',
+ 'form-2-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-3-header': '',
+ 'form-3-pattern': '',
+ 'form-3-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasSuccessMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 3)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [(hm.header, hm.pattern, hm.action)
+ for hm in self.mlist.header_matches],
+ [('testheader-2', 'testpattern-2', 'discard'),
+ ('testheader-1', 'testpattern-1', 'discard'),
+ ('testheader-3', 'testpattern-3', 'discard')]
+ )
+ def test_same_order(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-1', pattern='testpattern-1', action='discard')
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader-2', pattern='testpattern-2', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '3',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '2',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing patterns
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader-1',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern-1',
+ 'form-0-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ 'form-1-header': 'testheader-2',
+ 'form-1-pattern': 'testpattern-2',
+ 'form-1-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-1-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-1-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-2-header': '',
+ 'form-2-pattern': '',
+ 'form-2-action': '',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertHasNoMessage(response)
+ for form_errors in response.context["formset"].errors:
+ self.assertEqual(len(form_errors), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ response.context["formset"].non_form_errors(),
+ ['Header matches must have distinct orders.'])
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [(hm.header, hm.pattern, hm.action)
+ for hm in self.mlist.header_matches],
+ [('testheader-1', 'testpattern-1', 'discard'),
+ ('testheader-2', 'testpattern-2', 'discard')]
+ )
+ def test_add_existing(self):
+ self.mlist.header_matches.add(
+ header='testheader', pattern='testpattern', action='discard')
+ self.client.login(username='testowner', password='testpass')
+ url = reverse('list_header_matches', args=['list.example.com'])
+ data = {
+ # Management form
+ 'form-TOTAL_FORMS': '2',
+ 'form-INITIAL_FORMS': '1',
+ 'form-MIN_NUM_FORMS': '0',
+ 'form-MAX_NUM_FORMS': '1000',
+ # Existing patterns
+ 'form-0-header': 'testheader',
+ 'form-0-pattern': 'testpattern',
+ 'form-0-action': 'discard',
+ 'form-0-ORDER': '1',
+ 'form-0-DELETE': '',
+ # New form
+ 'form-1-header': 'testheader',
+ 'form-1-pattern': 'testpattern',
+ 'form-1-action': 'hold',
+ }
+ response = self.client.post(url, data)
+ self.assertRedirects(response, url)
+ self.assertHasErrorMessage(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.mlist.header_matches), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [(hm.header, hm.pattern, hm.action)
+ for hm in self.mlist.header_matches],
+ [('testheader', 'testpattern', 'discard')])
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_settings.py b/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_settings.py
index 516e889..c6204ff 100644
--- a/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_settings.py
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/mailman_api_tests/test_list_settings.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Postorius. If not, see .
-"""Tests for ban lists"""
+"""Tests for list settings"""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
diff --git a/src/postorius/tests/utils.py b/src/postorius/tests/utils.py
index dc70f10..d9786eb 100644
--- a/src/postorius/tests/utils.py
+++ b/src/postorius/tests/utils.py
@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@
self.assertEqual(msgs[0].level, messages.ERROR, msgs[0].message)
return msgs[0].message
+ def assertHasNoMessage(self, response):
+ msgs = get_flash_messages(response)
+ self.assertEqual(len(msgs), 0)
def assertRedirectsToLogin(self, url):
response = self.client.get(url)
diff --git a/src/postorius/urls.py b/src/postorius/urls.py
index 0d2f55c..ef58024 100644
--- a/src/postorius/urls.py
+++ b/src/postorius/urls.py
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
url(r'^held_messages$', list_views.list_moderation, name='list_held_messages'),
url(r'^bans/$', list_views.list_bans, name='list_bans'),
+ url(r'^header-matches/$', list_views.list_header_matches, name='list_header_matches'),
url(r'^remove/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+)', list_views.remove_role, name='remove_role'),
url(r'^settings/(?P[^/]+)?$', list_views.list_settings, name='list_settings'),
url(r'^unsubscribe_all$', list_views.remove_all_subscribers, name='unsubscribe_all'),
diff --git a/src/postorius/views/list.py b/src/postorius/views/list.py
index 8bb777d..451b1f2 100644
--- a/src/postorius/views/list.py
+++ b/src/postorius/views/list.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Postorius. If not, see .
import logging
import csv
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import (login_required,
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.forms import formset_factory
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
@@ -809,3 +811,68 @@
'list': m_list,
'addban_form': addban_form,
+def list_header_matches(request, list_id):
+ """
+ View and edit the list's header matches.
+ """
+ m_list = List.objects.get_or_404(fqdn_listname=list_id)
+ header_matches = m_list.header_matches
+ HeaderMatchFormset = formset_factory(
+ ListHeaderMatchForm, extra=1, can_delete=True, can_order=True,
+ formset=ListHeaderMatchFormset)
+ initial_data = [
+ dict([
+ (key, getattr(hm, key)) for key in ListHeaderMatchForm.base_fields
+ ]) for hm in header_matches]
+ # Process form submission.
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ formset = HeaderMatchFormset(request.POST, initial=initial_data)
+ if formset.is_valid():
+ if not formset.has_changed():
+ return redirect('list_header_matches', list_id)
+ # Purge the existing header_matches
+ header_matches.clear()
+ # Add the ones in the form
+ def form_order(f):
+ # If ORDER is None (new header match), add it last.
+ return f.cleaned_data.get('ORDER') or len(formset.forms)
+ errors = []
+ for form in sorted(formset, key=form_order):
+ if 'header' not in form.cleaned_data:
+ # The new header match form was not filled
+ continue
+ if form.cleaned_data.get('DELETE'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ header_matches.add(
+ header=form.cleaned_data['header'],
+ pattern=form.cleaned_data['pattern'],
+ action=form.cleaned_data['action'],
+ )
+ except HTTPError as e:
+ errors.append(e)
+ for e in errors:
+ messages.error(
+ request, _('An error occured: %s') % e.reason)
+ if not errors:
+ messages.success(request,
+ _('The header matches were successfully modified.'))
+ return redirect('list_header_matches', list_id)
+ else:
+ formset = HeaderMatchFormset(initial=initial_data)
+ # Adapt the last form to create new matches
+ form_new = formset.forms[-1]
+ form_new.fields['header'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = _('New header')
+ form_new.fields['pattern'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = _('New pattern')
+ del form_new.fields['ORDER']
+ del form_new.fields['DELETE']
+ return render(request, 'postorius/lists/header_matches.html', {
+ 'list': m_list,
+ 'formset': formset,
+ })