{% extends "mailman-django/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}

{% trans "Create a new list" %}

{% trans "List Details" %}
{{ form.listname.label_tag }} {{ form.listname }} {{ form.listname.errors }}
{{ form.list_owner.label_tag }} {{ form.list_owner}} {{ form.list_owner.errors }}
{{ form.list_type.label_tag }} {{ form.list_type}} {{ form.list_type.errors }}
{% trans "Available Languages" %}

This list of languages is just an example of an optional part of the form which is hidden by default (by giving its html fieldset a class attribute of "optional").

Information that isn't mandatory at creation should be hidden so it doesn't distract the user's attention.

{{ form.label_tag }} {{ form.languages }} {{ form.languages.errors }}
{% endblock %}