{% extends extend_template %} {% load i18n %} {% block main %} {% include 'mailmanweb/menu/user_nav.html' %}

{{ user }}'s List Settings

Mailman display name: {{ mm_user.display_name}}

Django email: {{ user.email }}

Mailman primary email: {{ mm_user.email }}

Valid email addresses for this account:


{{ mm_user.preferences }} {{ mm_user }} {% for pref in mm_user.preferences %}
  • {{ pref }}
  • {% endfor %}

    List memberships:

    Sample output: not real

    Prefs form

    {{ settingsform.asp }}

    List Preferences Overview

    Sample output: not real

    {% for preference in mm_user.preferences %} {% endfor %}
    {% trans "Setting" %} {% trans "Description" %} {% trans "Set all" %} list1@example.com kumquat@example.com starfruit@example.com
    {% trans "Mail delivery" %} ({{ preference }}) Set this option to Enabled to receive messages posted to this mailing list. Set it to Disabled if you want to stay subscribed, but don't want mail delivered to you for a while (e.g. you're going on vacation). If you disable mail delivery, don't forget to re-enable it when you come back; it will not be automatically re-enabled."
    {% trans "Per-Email subscriptions" %}
    {% endblock main %} ~