gitbucket /
# docker container for gitbucket

This docker container of [gitbucket]( is under testing!!!

## Usage

### Dependencies
- [docker](
- [docker-compose](

### Installation

1. Get code from repository:
git clone
cd gitbucket

2. Generate new passwords for your databse!!!

3. Get latest container:
docker-compose pull

4. Change the confoguration and start with:
docker-compose up -d

5. Open `` and be habby. :-)

### Configuration
Please use the configuration file `gitbucket.conf` for your personal changes.
There are three configs for gitbucket:
- `GITBUCKET_BIND`: ip address to bind to
- `GITBUCKET_WEB_PORT`: web port to bind to
- `GITBUCKET_SSH_PORT`: ssh port to bind to

### Plugins
To use plugins download the plugin and move it into `data/plugins`.
After that restart the gitbucket container with `docker-compose restart main-gitbucket`.

### Backup
For backuping the mysql database and the repositories you could use the `` script and combine it with a daily cronjob.
This script will create a compressed backup and keep the files 10 days in the backup directory.
All files which are older then 10 days will be deleted.

- wait for the next update and write an update howto
- maybe a nginx container with ssl???

## Inspirations
I got some inspirations for this project from:

## License