# docker container for gitbucket [![Build Status](https://jenkins.pgollor.de/job/gitbucket-docker-master/badge/icon)](https://jenkins.pgollor.de/job/gitbucket-docker-master/) [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://paypal.me/pgollor) This docker container of [gitbucket](https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket.git) is in beta state! ## Table of contents - [Usage](#section-id-5) - [Dependencies](#section-id-7) - [Installation](#section-id-11) - [Configuration](#section-id-38) - [Update](#section-id-46) - [Plugins](#section-id-71) - [Backup](#section-id-76) - [Troubleshooting](#section-id-82) - [Error 503 on first start](#section-id-84) - [Contact and Contribution](#section-id-95) - [TODO](#section-id-100) - [Inspirations](#section-id-105) - [License](#section-id-110) <div id='section-id-5'/> ## Usage <div id='section-id-7'/> ### Dependencies - [docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) - [docker-compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) <div id='section-id-11'/> ### Update Please make a backup from the hole directory bevor update your repsitory and commit your changes! #### from 4.19.3 to 4.20.0 You have to backup your `gitbucket.conf` because this config does not exist in the repository any more. You have to manage the config file manually. The new install script will create a local config fiel as copy from `gitbucket.conf.example` and generate new passwords. ### Installation 1. Get code from repository: ``` git clone https://gitbucket.pgollor.de/git/docker/gitbucket.git cd gitbucket ``` 2. Execute install script ``` ./install.sh ``` 3. Change the confoguration and start with: ``` docker-compose up -d ``` 4. Open `` and be habby. :-) Default user and passwort are both root. <div id='section-id-38'/> ### Configuration Please use the configuration file `gitbucket.conf` for your personal changes. There are three configs for gitbucket: - `GITBUCKET_BIND`: ip address to bind to - `GITBUCKET_WEB_PORT`: web port to bind to - `GITBUCKET_SSH_PORT`: ssh port to bind to <div id='section-id-46'/> ### Update Update your gitbucket image in three steps. But first of all: **MAKE A BACKUP!!!** 1. Commit your local changes. Changes in `gitbucket.conf` will be ignored! 2. get the new image Shutdown and remove your images. This will not delete your mysql database volume. ``` docker-compose down ``` After that get the new image and start it: ``` docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans ``` 3. cleanup your docker environment This step is optional. Please do this only if you understand the next line. ``` docker rmi -f $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q) ``` <div id='section-id-71'/> ### Plugins To use plugins download the plugin and move it into `data/plugins`. After that restart the gitbucket container with `docker-compose restart main-gitbucket`. <div id='section-id-76'/> ### Backup For backuping the mysql database and the repositories you could use the `backup.sh` script and combine it with a daily cronjob. This script will create a compressed backup and keep the files 10 days in the backup directory. All files which are older then 10 days will be deleted. <div id='section-id-82'/> ## Troubleshooting <div id='section-id-84'/> ### Error 503 on first start Please check the gitbucket log files with ``` docker-compose logs main-gitbucket ``` If you get `Could not connect to address=(host=` as error: Please restart the gitbucket container with `docker-compose restart main-gitbucket` because the mariadb container needs some time to run completly at the first start. After that it should be work. If doesn't please contact me via `issue@pgollor.de` because gitbucket does not allow issues for guests. <div id='section-id-95'/> ## Contact and Contribution You can write me an email ( `kalle@pgollor.de` ) or you could register here as an user to contribute to this project. After register please fork this repository and create pull reqeusts with your changes or add an issue. <div id='section-id-100'/> ## TODO - check gitbucket.war hash after download - maybe a nginx container with ssl??? <div id='section-id-105'/> ## Inspirations I got some inspirations for this project from: - https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized <div id='section-id-110'/> ## License [![cc-bc-sa](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/): Please see [license](LICENSE.md) [Gitbucket license](https://github.com/gitbucket/gitbucket/blob/master/LICENSE)