{% extends "mailman-django/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block links%} {% url list_info fqdn_listname as url_list_info %} {% url list_delete fqdn_listname as url_list_delete %} {% url mass_subscribe fqdn_listname as url_mass_subscription %} {% blocktrans %} You can also <a href="{{url_list_info}}">subscribe or unsubscribe</a> a user to the list "the normal way" or <a href="{{url_list_delete}}">delete</a> the list. If you wish to mass subscribe users to this list, please click <a href="{{url_mass_subscription}}">here</a>. {% endblocktrans %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>{% trans "List Settings for " %}{{ fqdn_listname }}</h1> <p>{% trans "This page visualizes all list settings. This gives an idea of what the settings page could look like." %}</p> <form action="{% url list_settings fqdn_listname=fqdn_listname visible_section=visible_section visible_option=visible_option %}" method="post" class="list_settings"> TODO:url not GET{{ form.as_div }} <div class="field"> <button type="submit">{%trans "Save changes" %}</button> </div> </form> {% endblock %}