postorius / templates / mailman-django / menu / index.html
@benste benste on 24 Jun 2011 833 bytes added general maintanance and info menu
{% load i18n %}
{% with "new_list" as selected %}<!-- TODO use include "template" instead of with .. as .. end with-->
<ul class="menu">
<li>{% include "mailman-django/menu/administration.html" %}</li>
<li>{% include "mailman-django/menu/maintanance.html" %}</li>
<li>{% include "mailman-django/menu/general.html" %}</li>
<li>{% include "mailman-django/menu/info.html" %}</li>
<li>{% include "mailman-django/menu/subscriptions.html" %}</li>
        {% comment %} {% if user in list.moderator %}{% endcomment %}

        <li{% if selected == "requests" %}id="selected"{% endif %}>
            <a href="{% comment %}{% url ... %}TODO add List{% endcomment %}">
                {% trans "Requests" %} Link:TODO
        {% comment %}{% endif %}{% endcomment %}
{% endwith %}