postorius / templates / mailman-django / base.html
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        <a id="logo" href="{% url list_index %}"></a>

		<div id="content">
			{% url list_index as url_list_index %}
    		{% url list_new as url_list_new %}
    		{% url list_index as url_list_index %}
			{% blocktrans %}
			This is a draft of a Mailman3 django client. It's not a finished design. For now you can view a <a href="{{ url_list_index }}">list</a> of existing mailing lists and you can <a href="{{ url_list_new }}">create</a> new lists. 
			{% endblocktrans %}
			{% block links %}{% endblock %}

        	{% block content %}{% endblock %}


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        <script src="js/dd_belatedpng.js?v=1"></script>
