postorius / restclient.txt
@Florian Fuchs Florian Fuchs on 5 Oct 2010 4 KB added PATCH to restclient / tests
Mailman REST Client

    >>> from pprint import pprint

    # The test framework starts out with an example domain, so let's delete
    # that first.
    >>> from mailman.interfaces.domain import IDomainManager
    >>> from zope.component import getUtility
    >>> domain_manager = getUtility(IDomainManager)

    >>> domain_manager.remove('')
    >>> transaction.commit()

First let's get an instance of MailmanRESTClient.

    >>> from import MailmanRESTClient, MailmanRESTClientError
    >>> client = MailmanRESTClient('localhost:8001')

So far there are no lists.

    >>> client.get_lists()


In order to add new lists first a new domain has to be added.

    >>> new_domain = client.create_domain('')
    >>> pprint(
    {u'base_url': u'',
     u'contact_address': u'',
     u'description': None,
     u'email_host': u'',
     u'http_etag': u'"6b1ccf042e8f76138a0bd37e8509f364da92a5c5"',
     u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/domains/',
     u'url_host': u''}

Later the domain object can be instantiated using get_domain()

    >>> my_domain = client.get_domain('')

Mailing lists

Now let's add s mailing list called 'test-one'.

    >>> new_list = my_domain.create_list('test-one')

Let's add another list and get some information on the list.

    >>> another_list = my_domain.create_list('test-two')
    >>> pprint(
    {u'fqdn_listname': u'',
     u'host_name': u'',
     u'http_etag': u'"a05542c9faa07cbe2b8fdf8a1655a2361ab365f2"',
     u'list_name': u'test-two',
     u'real_name': u'Test-two',
     u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'}

Later the new list can be instantiated using get_list():

    >>> some_list = client.get_list('')

Also a ``config`` dictionary is populated with some default list configuration options

    >>> pprint(some_list.config)
    {u'acceptable_aliases': [],
     u'description': u'',
     u'real_name': u'Test-one',

You can change these options:

    >>> data = dict(real_name='Fnorg',
    ... description='Discuss all things Fnorg')
    >>> some_list.update_config(data)
    >>> some_list.config['real_name']
    >>> some_list.config['description']
    u'Discuss all things Fnorg'

New instances of the list also show these changes:

    >>> some_list = client.get_list('')
    >>> pprint(some_list.config)
    {u'acceptable_aliases': [],
     u'description': u'Discuss all things Fnorg',
     u'real_name': u'Fnorg',

The lists have been added and get_lists() returns a list of dicts, sorted
by fqdn_listname.

    >>> pprint(client.get_lists())
    [{u'fqdn_listname': u'',
      u'host_name': u'',
      u'list_name': u'test-one',
      u'real_name': u'Fnorg',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'},
     {u'fqdn_listname': u'',
      u'host_name': u'',
      u'list_name': u'test-two',
      u'real_name': u'Test-two',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'}]


Since we now have a list we should add some members to it (.subscribe()
returns an HTTP status code, ideally 201)

    >>> new_list.subscribe('', 'Jack')
    >>> new_list.subscribe('', 'Meg')
    >>> another_list.subscribe('', 'Jack')

We can get a list of all members:

    >>> pprint(client.get_members())
    [{u'http_etag': u'"320f9e380322cafbbf531c11eab1ec9d38b3bb99"',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'},
     {u'http_etag': u'"cd75b7e93216a022573534d948511edfbfea06cd"',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'},
     {u'http_etag': u'"13399f5ebbab8c474926a7ad0ccfda28d717e398"',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'}]

Or just the members of a specific list:

    >>> pprint(new_list.get_members())
    [{u'http_etag': u'"320f9e380322cafbbf531c11eab1ec9d38b3bb99"',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'},
     {u'http_etag': u'"cd75b7e93216a022573534d948511edfbfea06cd"',
      u'self_link': u'http://localhost:8001/3.0/lists/'}]

After a while Meg decides to unsubscribe from the mailing list (like
.subscribe() .unsubscribe() returns an HTTP status code, ideally 200).

    >>> new_list.unsubscribe('')

You can delete lists via their domain:

    >>> my_domain.delete_list('test-two')