postorius / tests / test_to_check.txt
@benste benste on 15 Aug 2011 4 KB added mass subscribtions tests
## was success until here (old template)

Change the User Settings

Now let's check out the user settings. Start by accessing the user 
settings page. The user settings also requires the user to be logged 
in. We'll call the page and log in as the Katie.

    >>> response ='/user_settings/',
    ...                   {"addr": "",
    ...                   "psw": "katie"})

Let's check that we ended up on the right page.

    >>> print "User Settings" in response.content

The settings page contains two tabs - one for the general user settings
valid for all lists and a specific membership page with links to all 
lists the user is subscribed to. On the latter the user can change the 
settings for each list.
We'll start by changing some of the user settings. We'll set the real 
name to Katie and the default email address to ''.

    >>> response ='/user_settings/', 
    ...                   {'real_name': 'Katie', 
    ...                   'address': u''})

If we now check the content of the page that was loaded, we should get
a confirmation that everything went well.

    >>> print "The user settings have been updated." in response.content

Change the Memebership Settings

Now let's go to the membership settings page. Once we go there we 
should get a list of all the available lists.

    >>> response = c.get('/membership_settings/')

Check that we came to the right place...

    >>> print "Membership Settings" in response.content

...and select the list ''.

    >>> response = c.get('/membership_settings/')

Lets make sure we got to the right page.

    >>> print "Membership Settings for" in response.content

We want to make sure we don't hide our address when posting to the 
list, so we change this option and save the form.

    >>> response ='/membership_settings/', 
    ...                   {"hide_address": False})

Now we just need to make sure the saving went well. We do this by 
checking the content of the page that was loaded.

    >>> print "The membership settings have been updated." in response.content

We feel done with the user and memebership settings so let's log out 
before we continue.

    >>> response = c.get('/lists/logout/',)

Again, if the request was successful we should end up on the list info
page. Make sure that we got redirected there.

    >>> print "All mailing lists" in response.content

View the List Info Page

Apart from just viewing a list of all the available lists we can 
view the information about one particular list on a list info page. 
On this page we can also subscribe or unsubscribe an email address 
to the list. Let's try to subscribe to the list in the "normal" way 
(i.e. not using mass subscription). First we go to the page.

    >>> response = c.get('/lists/',)

Then we check that everything went well.

    >>> response.status_code

Subscribe a User

And finally we try to subscribe a user named 'Meg'.

    >>> response ='/lists/',
    ...                   {"email": "",
    ...                   "real_name": "Meg",
    ...                   "name": "subscribe",
    ...                   "listname": ""})

This page contains a redirect so we check the status code for this.

    >>> response.status_code

Then we check that the redirect gives the correct status code.

    >>> response = c.get("http://testserver/lists/")

    >>> response.status_code

Unsubscribe a User

We'll now try unsubscribing the address for Meg.

    >>> response ='/lists/',
    ...                   {"email": "",
    ...                   "real_name": "Meg",
    ...                   "name": "unsubscribe",
    ...                   "listname": ""})

If everything went well, we'll get a positive response saying so.

    >>> print "You have now been unsubscribed from" in \

Delete the List

Finally, let's delete the list.
We start by checking that the list is really there (for reference).

    >>> response = c.get('/lists/')

    >>> print "" in response.content

Then we delete the list...

    >>> response ='/delete_list/',)

...and check that it's been deleted.

    >>> print "" in response.content

So far this is what you can do in the UI. More tests can be added 
here later.