postorius / src / postorius / doc / news.rst
@Florian Fuchs Florian Fuchs on 20 Jul 2012 1 KB * added list member views and auth tests
News / Changelog

Copyright (C) 2012 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.

The Postorius Django app provides a web user interface to
access GNU Mailman. 

Postorius is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Postorius is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Postorius. If not, see <>.

1.0 alpha 2

* dev setup fix for Django 1.4 contributed by Rohan Jain
* missing csrf tokens in templates contributed by Richard Wackerbarth (LP: 996658)
* moderation: fixed typo in success message call
* installation documentation for Apache/mod_wsgi
* moved project files to separate branch
* show error message if connection to Mailman API fails
* added list members view
* added developer documentation
* added test helper utils

1.0 alpha 1 -- "Space Farm"

Many thanks go out to Anna Senarclens de Grancy and Benedict Stein for
developing the initial versions of this Django app during the Google Summer of
Code 2010 and 2011. 

* add/remove/edit mailing lists
* edit list settings
* show all mailing lists on server
* subscribe/unsubscribe/mass subscribe mailing lists
* add/remove domains
* show basic list info and metrics
* login using django user account or using BrowserID
* show basic user profile
* accept/discard/reject/defer messages
* Implementation of Django Messages contributed by Benedict Stein (LP: #920084)
* Dependency check in contributed by Daniel Mizyrycki
* Proper processing of acceptable aliases in list settings form contributed by
  Daniel Mizyrycki