monitord / lame-3.97 / ACM / .svn / text-base / AEncodeProperties.h.svn-base
@root root on 23 Jan 2012 13 KB Migration from SVN revision 455
 * Lame ACM wrapper, encode/decode MP3 based RIFF/AVI files in MS Windows
 *  Copyright (c) 2002 Steve Lhomme <steve.lhomme at>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
	\author Steve Lhomme
	\version \$Id: AEncodeProperties.h,v 1.5 2002/04/07 13:31:35 robux4 Exp $


#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include <windows.h>
#include <string>

#include "ADbg/ADbg.h"
//#include "BladeMP3EncDLL.h"
#include "tinyxml/tinyxml.h"
//#include "AParameters/AParameters.h"

typedef const struct {
	UINT id;
	const char *tip;
} ToolTipItem;
  \class AEncodeProperties
  \brief the AEncodeProperties class is responsible for handling all the encoding properties
class AEncodeProperties  
		\brief default constructor

		\param the windows module with which you can retrieve many informations
	AEncodeProperties(HMODULE hModule);

		\brief default destructor
	virtual ~AEncodeProperties() {}

		\enum BRMode
		\brief A bitrate mode (CBR, VBR, ABR)
	enum BRMode { BR_CBR, BR_VBR, BR_ABR };

		\brief Handle all the commands that occur in the Config dialog box
	bool HandleDialogCommand(const HWND parentWnd, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam);
		\brief check wether 2 instances are equal, ie have the same encoding parameters
	bool operator != (const AEncodeProperties & the_instance) const;

		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the Copyright bit
	inline const bool GetCopyrightMode() const { return bCopyright; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the CRC bit
	inline const bool GetCRCMode() const { return bCRC; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the Original bit
	inline const bool GetOriginalMode() const { return bOriginal; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the Private bit
	inline const bool GetPrivateMode() const { return bPrivate; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the Smart Bitrate output
	inline const bool GetSmartOutputMode() const { return bSmartOutput; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should allow Average Bitrate output
	inline const bool GetAbrOutputMode() const { return bAbrOutput; }

		\brief Check wether the Encode process shouldn't use the Bit Reservoir
	inline const bool GetNoBiResMode() const { return bNoBitRes; }

		\brief Check wether the Encode process should force the channel mode (stereo or mono resampling)
	inline const bool GetForceChannelMode() const { return bForceChannel; }

		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the VBR mode
	inline const BRMode GetVBRUseMode() const { return mBRmode; }
		\brief Check wether the Encode process should use the Xing frame in the VBR mode
		\note the Xing frame is a silent frame at the beginning that contain VBR statistics about the file.
	inline const bool GetXingFrameMode() const { return bXingFrame; }

		\brief Check wether the Encode process should resample before encoding
	inline const bool GetResampleMode() const { return bResample; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Copyright bit
	inline void SetCopyrightMode(const bool bMode) { bCopyright = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the CRC bit
	inline void SetCRCMode(const bool bMode) { bCRC = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Original bit
	inline void SetOriginalMode(const bool bMode) { bOriginal = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Private bit
	inline void SetPrivateMode(const bool bMode) { bPrivate = bMode; }

		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Smart Bitrate output
	inline void SetSmartOutputMode(const bool bMode) { bSmartOutput = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Average Bitrate output
	inline void SetAbrOutputMode(const bool bMode) { bAbrOutput = bMode; }

		\brief Set wether the Encode process shouldn't use the Bit Reservoir
	inline void SetNoBiResMode(const bool bMode) { bNoBitRes = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should force the channel mode (stereo or mono resampling)
	inline void SetForceChannelMode(const bool bMode) { bForceChannel = bMode; }
		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the VBR mode
	inline void SetVBRUseMode(const BRMode mode) { mBRmode = mode; }

		\brief Set wether the Encode process should use the Xing frame in the VBR mode
		\note the Xing frame is a silent frame at the beginning that contain VBR statistics about the file.
	inline void SetXingFrameMode(const bool bMode) { bXingFrame = bMode; }

		\brief CBR : Get the bitrate to use         / 
		       VBR : Get the minimum bitrate value
	const unsigned int GetBitrateValue() const;

		\brief Get the current (VBR:min) bitrate for the specified MPEG version

		\param bitrate the data that will be filled with the bitrate
		\param MPEG_Version The MPEG version (MPEG1 or MPEG2)

		\return 0 if the bitrate is not found, 1 if the bitrate is found
	const int GetBitrateValue(DWORD & bitrate, const DWORD MPEG_Version) const;
		\brief Get the current (VBR:min) bitrate for MPEG I

		\param bitrate the data that will be filled with the bitrate

		\return 0 if the bitrate is not found, 1 if the bitrate is found
	const int GetBitrateValueMPEG1(DWORD & bitrate) const;
		\brief Get the current (VBR:min) bitrate for MPEG II

		\param bitrate the data that will be filled with the bitrate

		\return 0 if the bitrate is not found, 1 if the bitrate is found
	const int GetBitrateValueMPEG2(DWORD & bitrate) const;

		\brief Get the current (VBR:min) bitrate in the form of a string

		\param string the string that will be filled
		\param string_size the size of the string

		\return -1 if the bitrate is not found, and the number of char copied otherwise
	inline const int GetBitrateString(char * string, int string_size) const {return GetBitrateString(string,string_size,nMinBitrateIndex); }

		\brief Get the (VBR:min) bitrate corresponding to the specified index in the form of a string

		\param string the string that will be filled
		\param string_size the size of the string
		\param a_bitrateID the index in the Bitrate table

		\return -1 if the bitrate is not found, and the number of char copied otherwise
	const int GetBitrateString(char * string, int string_size, int a_bitrateID) const;

		\brief Get the number of possible bitrates
	inline const int GetBitrateLentgh() const { return sizeof(the_Bitrates) / sizeof(unsigned int); }
		\brief Get the number of possible sampling frequencies
	inline const unsigned int GetResampleFreq() const { return the_SamplingFreqs[nSamplingFreqIndex]; }
		\brief Get the max compression ratio allowed (1:15 default)
	inline double GetSmartRatio() const { return SmartRatioMax;}
		\brief Get the min ABR bitrate possible
	inline unsigned int GetAbrBitrateMin() const { return AverageBitrate_Min;}
		\brief Get the max ABR bitrate possible
	inline unsigned int GetAbrBitrateMax() const { return AverageBitrate_Max;}
		\brief Get the step between ABR bitrates
	inline unsigned int GetAbrBitrateStep() const { return AverageBitrate_Step;}

		\brief Get the VBR attributes for a specified MPEG version

		\param MaxBitrate receive the maximum bitrate possible in the VBR mode
		\param Quality receive the quality value (0 to 9 see Lame doc for more info)
		\param VBRHeader receive the value that indicates wether the VBR/Xing header should be filled
		\param MPEG_Version The MPEG version (MPEG1 or MPEG2)

		\return the VBR mode (Old, New, ABR, MTRH, Default or None)
//	VBRMETHOD GetVBRValue(DWORD & MaxBitrate, int & Quality, DWORD & AbrBitrate, BOOL & VBRHeader, const DWORD MPEG_Version) const;

		\brief Get the Lame DLL Location
//	const char * GetDllLocation() const { return DllLocation.c_str(); }
		\brief Set the Lame DLL Location
//	void SetDllLocation( const char * the_string ) { DllLocation = the_string; }

		\brief Get the output directory for encoding
//	const char * GetOutputDirectory() const { return OutputDir.c_str(); }
		\brief Set the output directory for encoding
//	void SetOutputDirectory( const char * the_string ) { OutputDir = the_string; }

		\brief Get the current channel mode to use
	const unsigned int GetChannelModeValue() const;
		\brief Get the current channel mode in the form of a string
	inline const char * GetChannelModeString() const {return GetChannelModeString(nChannelIndex); }
		\brief Get the channel mode in the form of a string for the specified Channel mode index

		\param a_channelID the Channel mode index (see GetChannelLentgh())
	const char * GetChannelModeString(const int a_channelID) const;
		\brief Get the number of possible channel mode
	inline const int GetChannelLentgh() const { return 3; }

		\brief Get the current preset to use, see lame documentation/code for more info on the possible presets
//	const LAME_QUALTIY_PRESET GetPresetModeValue() const;
		\brief Get the preset in the form of a string for the specified Channel mode index

		\param a_presetID the preset index (see GetPresetLentgh())
	const char * GetPresetModeString(const int a_presetID) const;
		\brief Get the number of possible presets
//	inline const int GetPresetLentgh() const { return sizeof(the_Presets) / sizeof(LAME_QUALTIY_PRESET); }

		\brief Start the user configuration process (called by AOut::config())
	bool Config(const HINSTANCE hInstance, const HWND HwndParent);

		\brief Init the config dialog box with the right texts and choices
	bool InitConfigDlg(HWND hDialog);

		\brief Update the instance parameters from the config dialog box
	bool UpdateValueFromDlg(HWND hDialog);
		\brief Update the config dialog box from the instance parameters
	bool UpdateDlgFromValue(HWND hDialog);

		\brief Update the config dialog box with the BitRate mode
	static void DisplayVbrOptions(const HWND hDialog, const BRMode the_mode);

		\brief Handle the saving of parameters when something has changed in the config dialog box
	void SaveParams(const HWND hDialog);

		\brief Save the current parameters (current config in use)
	void ParamsSave(void);
		\brief Load the parameters (current config in use)
	void ParamsRestore(void);

		\brief Select the specified config name as the new default one
	void SelectSavedParams(const std::string config_name);
		\brief Save the current parameters to the specified config name
	void SaveValuesToStringKey(const std::string & config_name);
		\brief Rename the current config name to something else
	bool RenameCurrentTo(const std::string & new_config_name);
		\brief Delete the config name from the saved configs
	bool DeleteConfig(const std::string & config_name);

	ADbg              my_debug;

		\brief Update the slides value (on scroll)
	void UpdateDlgFromSlides(HWND parent_window) const;

	static ToolTipItem Tooltips[13];

	bool bCopyright;
	bool bCRC;
	bool bOriginal;
	bool bPrivate;
	bool bNoBitRes;
	BRMode mBRmode;
	bool bXingFrame;
	bool bForceChannel;
	bool bResample;
	bool bSmartOutput;
	bool bAbrOutput;

	int VbrQuality;
	unsigned int AverageBitrate_Min;
	unsigned int AverageBitrate_Max;
	unsigned int AverageBitrate_Step;

	double SmartRatioMax;

	static const unsigned int the_ChannelModes[3];
	int nChannelIndex;

	static const unsigned int the_Bitrates[18];
	static const unsigned int the_MPEG1_Bitrates[14];
	static const unsigned int the_MPEG2_Bitrates[14];
	int nMinBitrateIndex; // CBR and VBR
	int nMaxBitrateIndex; // only used in VBR mode

	static const unsigned int the_SamplingFreqs[9];
	int nSamplingFreqIndex;

//	static const LAME_QUALTIY_PRESET the_Presets[17];
	int nPresetIndex;

//	char DllLocation[512];
//	std::string DllLocation;
//	char OutputDir[MAX_PATH];
//	std::string OutputDir;

//	AParameters my_base_parameters;
	TiXmlDocument my_stored_data;
	std::string my_store_location;
	std::string my_current_config;

//	HINSTANCE hDllInstance;

	void SaveValuesToElement(TiXmlElement * the_element) const;
	inline void SetAttributeBool(TiXmlElement * the_elt,const std::string & the_string, const bool the_value) const;
	void UpdateConfigs(const HWND HwndDlg);
	void EnableAbrOptions(HWND hDialog, bool enable);

	HMODULE my_hModule;


		\param config_name
		\param parentNode
	void GetValuesFromKey(const std::string & config_name, const TiXmlNode & parentNode);