monitord / lame-3.97 / doc / html / .svn / text-base / id3.html.svn-base
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Command line switch reference">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="lame">
<META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">
<META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso_8859_1">
<BODY TEXT=#000000
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<H1>ID3 tags</H1>
<p>LAME is able to embed ID3 v1, v1.1 or v2 tags inside the encoded MP3 file. 
  This allows to have some usefull information about the music track included 
  inside the file. Those data can be read by most MP3 players.<br>
  Lame will smartly choose wich tags to use. It will add ID3 v2 tags only if the 
  input comments won't fint in v1 or v1.1 tags, ie if they are more than 30 characters. 
  In this case, both v1 and v2 tags will be added, to ensure reading of tags by 
  MP3 players wich are unable to read ID3 v2 tags.</p>
    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" nowrap><b>ID3 comments switches</b></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="LEFT" nowrap><b>parameters</b></TD>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--tt "title"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>title of song</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--ta "artist"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>artist who did the song</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--tl "album"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>album where it came from</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--ty "year"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>year in which the song/album was made</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--tc "comment"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>additional info</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--tn "track"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>track number of the song on the CD (1 to 255, creates 
      an ID3 v 1.1 tag)</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--tg "genre"</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> genre of song (name or number)</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><b>ID3 behaviour switches</b></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap>&nbsp; </td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--add-id3v2</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> force addition of version 2 tag</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--id3v1-only</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> add only a version 1 tag</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--id3v2-only</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> add only a version 2 tag</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--space-id3v1</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> pad version 1 tags with spaces instead of nulls</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--pad-id3v2</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> pad version 2 tags with extra 128 bytes</td>
  <tr valign="TOP">
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--ignore-tag-errors</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> ignore errors in values passed for tags, use defaults in case an error occours</td>
  <tr valign="TOP"> 
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap><kbd>--genre-list</kbd></td>
    <td align="LEFT" nowrap> print alphabetically sorted ID3 genre list and exit</td>
  The following genres are supported:<br>
<table width="80%" border="0">
  <tr valign="top" align="left"> 
    <td>00 - Blues<br>
      01 - Classic Rock<br>
      02 - Country<br>
      03 - Dance<br>
      04 - Disco<br>
      05 - Funk<br>
      06 - Grunge<br>
      07 - Hip-Hop<br>
      08 - Jazz<br>
      09 - Metal<br>
      10 - New Age<br>
      11 - Oldies<br>
      12 - Other<br>
      13 - Pop<br>
      14 - R&B<br>
      15 - Rap<br>
      16 - Reggae<br>
      17 - Rock<br>
      18 - Techno<br>
      19 - Industrial<br>
      20 - Alternative<br>
      21 - Ska<br>
      22 - Death Metal<br>
      23 - Pranks<br>
      24 - Soundtrack<br>
      25 - Euro-Techno<br>
      26 - Ambient<br>
      27 - Trip-Hop<br>
      28 - Vocal<br>
      29 - Jazz+Funk<br>
      30 - Fusion<br>
      31 - Trance<br>
      32 - Classical<br>
      33 - Instrumental<br>
      34 - Acid<br>
      35 - House<br>
      36 - Game<br>
      37 - Sound Clip<br>
      38 - Gospel<br>
      39 - Noise<br>
      40 - Alternative Rock<br>
      41 - Bass<br>
      43 - Punk<br>
      44 - Space<br>
      45 - Meditative<br>
      46 - Instrumental Pop<br>
      47 - Instrumental Rock<br>
      48 - Ethnic<br>
      49 - Gothic<br>
      50 - Darkwave<br>
      51 - Techno-Industrial<br>
      52 - Electronic<br>
      53 - Pop-Folk<br>
      54 - Eurodance<br>
      55 - Dream<br>
      56 - Southern Rock<br>
      57 - Comedy<br>
      58 - Cult<br>
      59 - Gangsta<br>
      60 - Top 40<br>
      61 - Christian Rap<br>
      62 - Pop/Funk<br>
      63 - Jungle<br>
      64 - Native US<br>
      65 - Cabaret<br>
      66 - New Wave<br>
      67 - Psychadelic<br>
      68 - Rave<br>
      69 - Showtunes<br>
      70 - Trailer<br>
      71 - Lo-Fi<br>
      72 - Tribal<br>
      73 - Acid Punk<br>
      74 - Acid Jazz<br>
      75 - Polka<br>
      76 - Retro<br>
      77 - Musical<br>
      78 - Rock & Roll<br>
      79 - Hard Rock<br>
      80 - Folk<br>
      81 - Folk-Rock<br>
      82 - National Folk<br>
      83 - Swing<br>
      84 - Fast Fusion<br>
      85 - Bebob<br>
      86 - Latin<br>
      87 - Revival<br>
      88 - Celtic<br>
      89 - Bluegrass<br>
      90 - Avantgarde<br>
      91 - Gothic Rock<br>
      92 - Progressive Rock<br>
      93 - Psychedelic Rock<br>
      94 - Symphonic Rock<br>
      95 - Slow Rock<br>
      96 - Big Band<br>
      97 - Chorus<br>
      98 - Easy Listening<br>
      99 - Acoustic </td>
    <td>100 - Humour<br>
      101 - Speech<br>
      102 - Chanson<br>
      103 - Opera<br>
      104 - Chamber Music<br>
      105 - Sonata<br>
      106 - Symphony<br>
      107 - Booty Bass<br>
      108 - Primus<br>
      109 - Porn Groove<br>
      110 - Satire<br>
      111 - Slow Jam<br>
      112 - Club<br>
      113 - Tango<br>
      114 - Samba<br>
      115 - Folklore<br>
      116 - Ballad<br>
      117 - Power Ballad<br>
      118 - Rhytmic Soul<br>
      119 - Freestyle<br>
      120 - Duet<br>
      121 - Punk Rock<br>
      122 - Drum Solo<br>
      123 - Acapella<br>
      124 - Euro-House<br>
      125 - Dance Hall<br>
      126 - Goa<br>
      127 - Drum & Bass<br>
      128 - Club-House<br>
      129 - Hardcore<br>
      130 - Terror<br>
      131 - Indie<br>
      132 - BritPop<br>
      133 - Negerpunk<br>
      134 - Polsk Punk<br>
      135 - Beat<br>
      136 - Christian Gangsta<br>
      137 - Heavy Metal<br>
      138 - Black Metal<br>
      139 - Crossover<br>
      140 - Contemporary C<br>
      141 - Christian Rock<br>
      142 - Merengue<br>
      143 - Salsa<br>
      144 - Thrash Metal<br>
      145 - Anime<br>
      146 - JPop<br>
      147 - SynthPop</td>