/** * monitord-activemq * http://github.com/schakko/monitord-activemq * Contains *untested* prototyped code */ #include "libmplugin_activemq.h" using namespace std; using namespace activemq; using namespace activemq::core; using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions; using namespace cms; MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::MonitorPlugInActiveMQ() { m_bUseCompression = false; m_bClientAck = false; m_bConnected = false; m_brokerUri = "tcp://"; m_username = ""; m_password = ""; m_clientId = ""; m_destUri = ""; m_sendTimeout = 0; m_closeTimeout = 0; m_producerWindowSize = 0; m_genericTopic.bUseTopic = false; m_genericTopic.bDeliveryModePersistent = false; m_genericTopic.destUri = ""; m_bDeliveryModePersistent = false; m_bTopicsInitialized = false; m_session = NULL; m_connection = NULL; activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::initializeLibrary(); } MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::~MonitorPlugInActiveMQ() { Topics::iterator i ; TopicInfo *pTopicInfo; // Destroy resources. for (i = m_topics.begin(); i != m_topics.end(); i++) { pTopicInfo = i->second; try { if (pTopicInfo->destination != NULL) { delete pTopicInfo->destination; } } catch (CMSException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pTopicInfo->destination = NULL; try { if (pTopicInfo->producer != NULL) { delete pTopicInfo->producer; } } catch (CMSException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pTopicInfo->producer = NULL; } // Close open resources. try { if (m_session != NULL) { m_session->close(); } if (m_connection != NULL) { m_connection->close(); } } catch (CMSException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (m_session != NULL) { delete m_session; } } catch (CMSException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_session = NULL; try { if (m_connection != NULL) { delete m_connection; } } catch (CMSException& e) { e.printStackTrace(); } m_connection = NULL; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::Show() { FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "MonitorActiveMQPlugin successfully loaded" ; } bool MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::processResult(class ModuleResultBase *pRes) { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "apachemq: processing Result..."; if (m_bConnected == false) { FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "apachmq: ignoring message 'cause no active connection"; return false; } if (m_bTopicsInitialized == false) { throw RuntimeException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "processResult must be called AFTER initializeTopics()"); } std::string type = (*pRes)["typ"]; if (m_topics.find(type) == m_topics.end()) { FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "apachemq: received type " << type << " which is not registered"; return false; } FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Preparing new message"; TopicInfo* topicInfo = (m_topics.find(type))->second; TextMessage* message = m_session->createTextMessage(); ResultItemsMap::iterator i; for (i = (*pRes).m_Items.begin(); i != (*pRes).m_Items.end(); i++) { message->setStringProperty(i->first, i->second); } topicInfo->producer->send(message); FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "message sent"; delete message; return true; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initializeConfiguration(XMLNode config) { FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading broker URI"; m_brokerUri = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_BROKERURI, "tcp://"); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading username:"; m_username = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_USERNAME, ""); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading password"; m_password = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_PASSWORD, ""); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading clientId"; m_clientId = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_CLIENTID, ""); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading sendTimeout"; m_sendTimeout = getNodeInt(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_SENDTIMEOUT, 0); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading closeTimeout"; m_closeTimeout = getNodeInt(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_CLOSETIMEOUT, 0); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading producerWindowSize"; m_producerWindowSize = getNodeInt(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_PRODUCERWINDOWSIZE, 0); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading bUseCompression"; m_bUseCompression = getNodeBool(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_USECOMPRESSION, false); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading bClientAck"; m_bClientAck = getNodeBool(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_CLIENTACK, false); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading logFile"; std::string logFile = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_LOGFILE, "screen"); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Reading logLevel"; std::string logLevel = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_LOGLEVEL, "INFO"); #ifdef WIN32 if (!(logFile == "screen")) { FILE* pFile = fopen(logFile.c_str(), "a"); Output2FILE::Stream() = pFile; } FILELog::ReportingLevel() = FILELog::FromString(logLevel); FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "logging started"; #endif } Topics MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::getTopics() { return m_topics; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::setTopics(Topics& topics) { m_topics = topics; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initializeConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory *connectionFactory) { // Set Broker-URI first - otherwise username and password is lost connectionFactory->setBrokerURI(m_brokerUri); if (!m_username.empty()) { connectionFactory->setUsername(m_username); } if (!m_password.empty()) { connectionFactory->setPassword(m_password); } if (!m_clientId.empty()) { connectionFactory->setClientId(m_clientId); } connectionFactory->setUseCompression(m_bUseCompression); connectionFactory->setSendTimeout(m_sendTimeout); connectionFactory->setCloseTimeout(m_closeTimeout); connectionFactory->setProducerWindowSize(m_producerWindowSize); FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Connection factory initialized"; } bool MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initializeActiveMqConnection() { auto_ptr<ActiveMQConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(new ActiveMQConnectionFactory()); initializeConnectionFactory(connectionFactory.get()); // create a connection try { m_connection = connectionFactory->createConnection(); m_connection->start(); if (m_bClientAck) { m_session = m_connection->createSession(Session::CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE); } else { m_session = m_connection->createSession(Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); } m_bConnected = true; } catch (CMSException& e) { FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Could not connect to messaging queue \"" << m_brokerUri << "\" with username=\"" << m_username << "\""; m_bConnected = false; } FILE_LOG(logDEBUG) << "Connection initialized"; return m_bConnected; } bool MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initProcessing(class MonitorConfiguration* configPtr, XMLNode config) { // initialize ActiveMQ activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::initializeLibrary(); // read default configuration for topics parseTopic(config, m_genericTopic, m_genericTopic); initializeConfiguration(config); if (initializeActiveMqConnection()) { parseTopics(config, m_topics, m_genericTopic); initializeTopics(m_topics); } return m_bConnected; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initializeTopics(Topics &topics) { if (m_bConnected == false) { throw RuntimeException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Tried to initialize topics without established ActiveMQ connection. Call initializeActiveMqConnection() first."); } Topics::iterator i; TopicInfo *pTopicInfo; // create new producers for (i = topics.begin(); i != topics.end(); i++) { pTopicInfo = i->second; if (pTopicInfo->bUseTopic) { pTopicInfo->destination = m_session->createTopic(pTopicInfo->destUri); } else { pTopicInfo->destination = m_session->createQueue(pTopicInfo->destUri); } pTopicInfo->producer = m_session->createProducer(pTopicInfo->destination); if (pTopicInfo->bDeliveryModePersistent) { pTopicInfo->producer->setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode::PERSISTENT); } else { pTopicInfo->producer->setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT); } FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Topic destination \"" << pTopicInfo->destination << "\" created"; } FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Topics initialized"; m_bTopicsInitialized = true; } bool MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::quitProcessing() { return true; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::parseTopics(XMLNode config, Topics &topics, TopicInfo &referenceTopic) { XMLNode topicNode; Topics::iterator i; TopicInfo *pTopicInfo; // defaults vector<string> channels; channels.push_back(ACTIVEMQ_KEY_POCSAG); channels.push_back(ACTIVEMQ_KEY_ZVEI); channels.push_back(ACTIVEMQ_KEY_FMS); for (unsigned int i = 0, m = channels.size(); i < m; i++) { pTopicInfo = new TopicInfo; initializeTopic(*pTopicInfo, referenceTopic); topics.insert(PairMapping(channels.at(i), pTopicInfo)); } int nTopic = config.nChildNode(ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_TOPIC); for (int num = 0; num < nTopic ; ++num) { if (!((topicNode = config.getChildNode(ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_TOPIC, num))).isEmpty()) { std::string type = topicNode.getAttribute(ACTIVEMQ_XMLATTR_TYPE) ; if ((type == ACTIVEMQ_KEY_POCSAG) || (type == ACTIVEMQ_KEY_FMS) || (type == ACTIVEMQ_KEY_ZVEI)) { pTopicInfo = (topics.find(type))->second; parseTopic(topicNode, *pTopicInfo, referenceTopic); } } } } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::initializeTopic(TopicInfo &topicInfo, TopicInfo &referenceTopic) { topicInfo.bUseTopic = referenceTopic.bUseTopic; topicInfo.bDeliveryModePersistent = referenceTopic.bDeliveryModePersistent; topicInfo.destUri = referenceTopic.destUri; topicInfo.destination = NULL; topicInfo.producer = NULL; } void MonitorPlugInActiveMQ::parseTopic(XMLNode config, TopicInfo &topicInfo, TopicInfo &referenceTopic) { initializeTopic(topicInfo, referenceTopic); if (config.nChildNode(ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_USETOPIC) >= 1) { topicInfo.bUseTopic = getNodeBool(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_USETOPIC, false); } if (config.nChildNode(ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_DELIVERYMODEPERSISTENT) >= 1) { topicInfo.bDeliveryModePersistent = getNodeBool(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_DELIVERYMODEPERSISTENT, false); } if (config.nChildNode(ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_DESTURI) >= 1) { topicInfo.destUri = getNodeText(config, ACTIVEMQ_XMLNODE_DESTURI, "monitord"); } } MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory::MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory() { } MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory::~MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory() { } MonitorPlugIn * MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory::CreatePlugIn() { return new MonitorPlugInActiveMQ(); } DLL_EXPORT void * factory0( void ) { return new MonitorPlugInActiveMQFactory; }